Student Groups are not able to sign or enter into a contract by themselves. Only RHSU staff are authorised to enter into contract agreements with third party providers on behalf of student groups. This includes contracts relating to sponsorships, transport, venue bookings, trips/tours, event packages and more. All student group contracts must be signed by the Student Opportunities team.

So what do you need to do?

  • Trips / Tours - you will need to let us know as soon as you begin your planning. Make sure you follow the trip/tour process outlined here.

  • Sponsorship Agreements - there is a sponsorship agreement process already in place outlined here

  • Event related - provide as much detail as possible in your event proposal form and give us as much notice as possible.

  • Facility or space related - please send us a ticket with as much detail as possible and any documentation attached so that we can help. You may find it useful to come to a drop in session to discuss your options (Mondays 14:30-16:00 or Thursdays 10:30-12:00).

  • Anything else? Get in touch! Submit a ticket on Freshdesk so we can review the contract and ask any questions we may need to.

Once you’ve sent it to us we will be able to review it, ask any follow up questions if necessary and get it signed. 

Anything else you need to know?

  • If the contract has a cost attached, your group would be expected to pay this and any cancellation charges associated with the contract would also be your group’s responsibility. 

  • Contracts for coaches or instructors have a separate process that is outlined on this Freshdesk article.