Each year you will need to set your membership price for your group. You will do this when filling out your annual budget form. More information on how you fill this out here.

The key things to remember when setting your memberships are that they should cover your outgoing costs and it should be reflective of the activity you are putting on. So fill out the expenditure section of the budget form first so that you know what you are aiming for. 

Membership prices cannot change after someone has bought it as it will be unfair to those who have paid more or less for their membership.

Standardised Memberships

We have introduced a standardised membership model so that for all groups there is one clear entry point to joining a group making it easier for students to understand. 

Standard Membership

All student groups must have a standard membership - this is the baseline entry to your core activity OR covers all of your core activity. If there are specific areas of your group that require an additional cost you can have a top-up that members can buy to cover those costs. 

Social Membership

You can also opt in to having a social membership which would be an alternative route for people to get involved in your group and the community it provides, without attending the core activity.

Top Ups

Members will need to have purchased a Standard Membership in order to purchase a top-up. The top-ups are where there are parts of your group that require additional costs, that not all members might need to pay. 

Competitive Top-Up

This would apply to groups that have an additional competitive element that not all members may want to participate in. For example, Tennis might have a Standard Membership that allows members to participate in sessions recreationally, and a competitive membership for those who take part in BUCS.

Lessons Top-Up

This would apply to a few groups that offer lessons that not all members will attend or there are different ability levels that require different costs.

Kit Top-Up

If Kit is going to be owned by individuals or if not all members will require use of the club owned kit, then a kit top-up should be introduced. This is to make it clear to students if they need to purchase a kit, how much it will be etc. 

Team Top-Up

This would apply to groups that have memberships for the specific teams they have. This might be because there are different costs involved in joining different teams. For example, if your 1st and 2nd teams enter two leagues or have coached training sessions, but your 3rd and 4th teams enter a recreational league or have committee led training sessions.

Transport Top-Up

This would apply to groups that have transport that not all members might benefit from and so introducing it as a top-up will allow only those requiring transport to contribute.


All groups are able to opt into an installment approach to memberships if they feel their fees are high enough that members would benefit from this. This would mean members would have the opportunity to purchase a full-year membership or a term one membership and then a term two/three membership. You can select this on your budget form. 

Associate Members

Associate members need to first purchase an SU Associate Membership, once they have done this they are then able to join student groups. If an associate member is wanting to join your group, and you would like an associate membership set up then send us a ticket on Freshdesk and we’ll get it sorted for you.

Access Fund

Members will have the opportunity to apply for financial support from the Access Fund that can be put towards student group costs such as memberships, equipment, kit etc. You can read more about this here.