To fill an empty committee position during the summer, you will need to conduct a co-option.

The process for this is as follows:

  • Email [email protected] and [email protected], informing them of the need for the co-option and agree the following:

    • Positions to be co-opted

    • Group/s or Cohort to be notified

    • Communication to prospective candidates (all members valid)

    • Timeframe for co-option 

  • Ask all interested to submit a brief manifesto (400 words max.) explaining to why they would like a position and why they think they would be good candidates

  • If only one person stands for the role and the committee are happy, they can be co-opted without further discussion

  • If more than one person expresses an interest in the role, the new committee will need to decide via a vote who should be successful. The steps are as follows:

    • The committee member organising the election should collate the manifestos of each candidate and send them out to all elected committee members. 

    • The current committee should then read through them all and vote on who they think should fill each available role, in an appropriate meeting.

    • The committee member organising the election should ensure the panel reach a consensus and then notify the winner.

  • Once the role has been decided, please email VP Societies & Sport with the outcome and have the new committee member fill out the Access Request Form.