This toolkit is something you and the rest of your committee can use to ensure that equality, diversity and inclusivity are embedded into your student group.

There are a series of statements that you can rate to what extent this is something you do within the group e.g. "our committee actively challenge poor behaviour, discrimination and injustice". There is then space to note down comments on what you already do in the area or perhaps some barriers you face in carrying out the work. There are also some improvement ideas and suggestions to help get you started but there are lots of things you can do and lots of other resources online that can help as well. You then can note down some actions you can take, who in your committee is going to lead on this and when you would like to achieve this by. 

If you have any questions or require any support then reach out to VP Societies & Sport and/or VP Wellbeing & Diversity who can help you with your toolkit.

Make sure to refer back to it regularly to make sure you are progressing your work!