What is signposting?

If you believe that somebody may be experiencing mental health issues and would benefit from specialist support, it can be helpful to have a bank of resources that you can share with them - we’ve put together a helpful list below. It can be difficult to make the first step of asking for help, so remember to be patient when signposting someone to these services, as it may take longer than you expect for them to reach out. 

These resources are also there for you to access, whether you feel you’re struggling with your own mental health, or if you are worried about a friend or family member and it’s causing you stress. 

Signposting Resources

On-campus support

  • Contact the Student Advisory and Wellbeing team at the University by emailing [email protected] 
    • they can offer advice, and direct you to the most appropriate service within their team
  • Speak to your GP about any concerns you may have. 
    • You can register with the on-campus GP surgery here if you haven’t already, or find other local GPs here
  • You can self-refer to the Berkshire Talking Therapies service 
    • they also have self-help resources available on their website

For crisis/emergency support:

  • Emergency services can be contacted 24/7 by calling 999. For advice about urgent issues you can also call 111
  • The Surrey and Borders NHS Crisis Mental Health Hotline is available 24/7 on 0800 915 4644 or for those with speech or hearing difficulties, text 07717 989 024.
  • Safe Haven Woking offers a drop-in video call service for those in crisis every day from 6-11pm, which can be accessed here.
  • Samaritans offer 24/7 support, just call 116 123, or email them at [email protected]
  • Papyrus Hopeline can be contacted 9am-Midnight daily on 0800 068 4141, by texting 07860039967 or emailing [email protected] 
  • You can text SHOUT to 85258 for 24/7 crisis support

General national services and resources

  • Under-25s can call The Mix on 0808 808 4994 daily 3pm-12am, use their online livechat from the same times, or text THEMIX to 85258 for 24/7 text support
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) have a helpline on 0800 585858 from 5pm-midnight every day, or use their webchat from the same times
  • Mind UK has a bank of resources for those needing immediate help available here including some fantastic self-help exercises
  • The Blurt Foundation has a number of free self-care resources available on their website, with helpful practical advice