Students who are under 18 years old will automatically be prevented from purchasing membership to any groups on our website. This is set out in the Student Union's Safeguarding Policy which outlines the measures we put in place to ensure that under-18s are able to access our services, in line with our constitution.

If an under-18 student approaches you interested in becoming a member, you will need to reach out to the Student Opportunities team by submitting a ticket to request a meeting with your relevant coordinator to discuss this. In the meeting, you will discuss:

  • The Union's safeguarding policy and how this relates to student groups
  • Group activities that an under-18 member may not be able to participate in e.g. socials where alcohol will be present, BUCS regulations for clubs
  • Any measures you may need to put in place to facilitate under-18 participation

After this meeting, the Student Opportunities team will set up an Under-18s Membership for your group, and let you know how the prospective member can go about purchasing this. 

If you have any questions or concerns about making sure your group is accessible to under-18 members, let us know!