New Roles

There are 2 ways to add new roles to your committee:

  1. Vote at a General Meeting (year-round method)

  2. Constitution update (this can only be done over the summer).

To add a role to your committee throughout the year, you will need to follow the process of making changes to your constitution.

If the change is proposed over summer when there is no membership, the process is as follows:

  • The committee meet and make the proposed edits to the constitution 

  • President will email VP Societies & Sport with the proposed change for approval

  • VP Societies & Sport will either approve/reject the update.

New Committee Members

If you are looking to fill empty committee positions, you will need to either run a co-option or a by-election. Check out these Freshdesk articles for information on how to do this.


Should a student wish to step down and resign from the committee, they must email both VP Societies & Sport and the Student Opportunities team on [email protected]. This email must come from the student themselves, and not from another committee member on their behalf.

Vote of No Confidence

The group, either through the committee or the members themselves, may decide to conduct a vote of no confidence in a member of committee. This is uncommon and should be considered a last resort. The group must speak to the Vice President Societies and Sport before taking steps towards this. 

To call for a vote of no confidence, at least a majority of the committee must vote in favour in initiating this process. A vote will then be held online by the Student Opportunities team. For a vote of no confidence to pass, you will require a two-thirds majority, including abstentions, under the First Past the Post system.