We exist for one simple reason: to make student life better at Royal Holloway. It’s this vision that guides everything we do as an organisation and we firmly believe that with the right people and a commitment to our values we can deliver huge change on campus. Being part of a committee is a fulfilling experience, and while it may look like a lot of work, we promise you, it’s definitely worth getting involved!

So how do I stand?

Nominations usually open around April. All positions available for members to stand will be listed directly on each student group’s webpage on the RHSU website. To nominate yourself, all you have to do it click ‘Stand’, complete the information, and submit your nomination.

Please ensure you read the information around data protection and the terms of conditions of running in the elections, and follow the necessary steps. Unfortunately, we are not able to accept applications after nominations have closed. Please ensure that if you decide to stand, that you nominate yourselves ahead of the deadline to ensure any issues that may arise in the nominations process can be settled by the Student Opportunities team. We want to make sure you can be part of 800 amazing leaders, so get on it!

  1. Login to the RHSU website.
  2. Ensure you have bought a membership to the group you wish to stand for.
  3. Click on the position you wish to run for on the student group’s webpage.
  4. Upload a photograph and your details. When asked for an email address, please use your Royal Holloway student account, rather than personal emails.
  5. From here, you will be invited to answer questions set by the Student Opportunities team. This information will be available for members to view when voting, and is a prime opportunity to explain why you would be the best person for the role.

Do I need to know anything else?

  • To nominate yourself, you must be a paid member of the student group: this is really important so don't forget!
  • Manifestos are uploaded at the point of submitting your nomination: don't think you have to do this, it's just an additional to help your members get to know you. 
  • No applications after nominations have closed will be accepted. We have to have a hard deadline to ensure the process runs smoothly, especially as it's all done online. 
  • Uploading a picture with your nomination is optional and not necessary to stand in the election, but feel free to pop one on so we can see your smiling face. 
  • Don't forget to check the dates for nominations and voting: get it in your diary and set those reminders. 

I need more information: help!

What do all these terms mean? I just want to be on committee! Don't threat, we've compiled a fun jargon buster to help clarify everything!

I've got lots of questions, why isn't there a FAQ document? Well we've got your back again, there is a FAQ guide- you're welcome!

Are there any rules I should be aware of? Just like our Officer election, there are regulations to be aware of, just to ensure you are involved in a fair, transparent and accessible election.