If you have made a purchase on behalf of your student group and you need to claim the money back from group funds, you’ll need to submit an expense claim using this online form. This must be done by the end of term of the expense being incurred and should only be used for purchases up to £100.  If you’re looking to spend more than £100, please refer to this article for guidance. 

All expense claims should follow this process:

  1. Treasurers must approve the expenditure before anyone makes a purchase. No purchases should be approved if you do not have enough funds in your group account, as the individual would not be able to be reimbursed and we wouldn’t want anyone to be out of pocket!
  2. The individual who made the purchase should send the treasurer the details of their claim, along with their bank details and copies of VAT receipts as proof of purchase, or for a mileage claim evidence of the length of your journey in miles (a screenshot of the journey on a map with clear start and end points matching your claim is fine).
  3. The treasurer should check everything matches up and then submit the claim and receipts using the Expense Claim Form.
  4. The expense claim should be paid back into the individual’s bank account within three weeks of us receiving it as long as the funds are available and documentation correct.
  5. You must allocate an account for your expense to be paid from - either Restricted, Social or Transport/Other. If you're unsure which account to use, you can find more information here

Please note, the use of personal vehicles is covered by mileage so expense claims for petrol will not be accepted. The only exception is where your group has hired a Kendall vehicle– please talk to us if this is the case.


We understand that, on occasion, groups may wish to purchase alcohol for their members. All purchases of alcohol must follow the guidance below:

  1. The expenditure must be taken from the Social Account.
  2. Alcohol must not be purchased as a prize. For example, winners of a competition, pub quiz, games or events etc.
  3. Purchasing 'a round' of drinks using your Social Account is not considered an appropriate use of funds and will not be approved.
  4. Alcohol can be purchased for celebration events/awards or alongside meals where these events are open to all members.
  5. Where alcohol is purchased, a non-alcoholic alternative must also be provided by the group at no additional cost to impacted members.
  6. The Student Opportunities Team should be consulted, if you have any questions, before a purchase is made as they reserve the right to reject any alcohol related expense claim.

Expense claims should only be submitted where money has already been spent and needs to be paid back to the person who made the purchase. If you are looking to buy something that is over £100 or to pay an invoice you need to fill out the Purchase Request Form.